Monday, May 18, 2009

For what its worth...(radiohead.regina.six organs....not related)

well....Radiohead is back in the studio. recording their 8th? album. according to colin, "We're at the stage where we've got the big Lego box out and we've tipped it out on the floor and we're looking at all the bits and thinking, what next?"
read the rest here

also, regina spektor has a new album due soon, and she released a track or two early. i dont know what most peoples thoughts are on this woman but shes unique, unique new york, not brow, how now brown cow, but she sure has a pretty voice
listen here about the color Blue

or both on her myspace here, but thats no fun and too easypeasy

also also, Ben Chasny rose from his grave, Six Organs of Admittance has a new album, with apperances by Eyvind Kang on viola and Hans Teube on flute (think samuri movie with good dubs) sixorgans


1 comment:

Jason Rosete said...

stoked... hopefully it's free