Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Probably my favorite Burrito in the city...I respect Papolote even more know that i know these two dudes eat there.
Slick Rick


found these on Papolote's awful website. Their website looks like it was made in 1997. Check out their Homepage. Good god it's useless. It really does just stink.
Slick Rick


found these on Papolote's awful website. Their website looks like it was made in 1997. Check out their Homepage. Good god it's useless. It really does just stink.
D3 Publisher announces Puzzle Quest on iPhone this fall

Inglourious Basterds: first look
David Foster Wallace R.I.P
I am not sure if anybody has read this, but it has been going around recently since his death. I highly suggest reading or re-reading this. Print it out, read it on MUNI, while you take a poop, whatever. For those of you who don't know, David Foster Wallace is the author of Infinite Jest, one of the greatest books written in our time.
dig it
dig it
New Morrissey album
Sunday, September 28, 2008
You should really listen to this album...

I downloaded this album because i heard the song Man Vs. Ape on the MASH video...it was a pleasant surprise when it turned out that the whole album is just grand!
my favorite track would have to be 'Glass.' i love the charging background accents. it's a beautifully produced track
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Cold War Kids new album
Cold War Kids just released their sophomore album, Loyalty to Loyalty this past Thursday. I'll admit, at first it took me a hard 46.6 minutes to get through the album. I thought that Nate was pushing a Jeff Buckley slash Morrissey impersonation, and that the form was all over the place. BUT, second time around, I shit you not, starting on Against Privacy (track 1), my thoughts were totally transformed. lets just say, the album turned out to be one of those albums where you have it on volume 11 on your ipod, and you strut to every beat, pretending to play the keys with a huge smile on your face (or that could just be me)
side note: CWK did not know of The Bridge that is a documentary about suicide jumpers jumping off the golden gate bridge, when they wrote Golden Gate Jumper. The documentary is pretty fucking freaky and if you ever want to walk on the bridge depression free, I suggest not to see it, if you can forget, great movie.

The albums is no doubtfully made to be played live and after the performance last night at GAMH (which by the way has the best sound in any venue in the city, possibly northern California) Cold War Kids still got it and fuck whatever Pitchfork says. representing Fullerton bitches. They even switch gender roles in Every Man I Fall For. Well done kids, well done.
dig it
side note: CWK did not know of The Bridge that is a documentary about suicide jumpers jumping off the golden gate bridge, when they wrote Golden Gate Jumper. The documentary is pretty fucking freaky and if you ever want to walk on the bridge depression free, I suggest not to see it, if you can forget, great movie.

The albums is no doubtfully made to be played live and after the performance last night at GAMH (which by the way has the best sound in any venue in the city, possibly northern California) Cold War Kids still got it and fuck whatever Pitchfork says. representing Fullerton bitches. They even switch gender roles in Every Man I Fall For. Well done kids, well done.
dig it
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Together Alone

this looks to be a whole new track frame from Cinelli...i thought it was a vigorelli with different paint, but apparently it's a ground-up design. Read story and see more pictures here
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fucked around and got a triple double
Rode to school on the bike today. It wasnt too far in distance, but the steady inclines were brutal on the knees. Here's the route that I took.
Bike polo monday!

There were a few collisions that made me cringe. There was blood shed. There were tales of broken limbs...yeah, I don't think I'm quite ready to jump in there and play, but I will definitely be out there again to observe from a safe distance...
If you're not doing anything Monday, grab a 40oz of Old English and hang out and play/watch some bike polo. Good times.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
One week anniversary!
Leather + Whips = fun times for everyone
OMG Shoes

I will have dirty dreams about these shoes until they are finally on my feet.
I attempted to try them on during my forbidden Marc Jacobs spree the other day, but since they did not carry them in the store I was unable to throw them in my cart of things I had absolutely no disposable income to buy, but said 'fuck it' to and bought anyway.
My birthday is in five months...so if anyone just wants to get these for me and get it out of the way, and gain a best friend in the process, feel free. I'm not a shoe whore at all like most women, but these ones are just too perfect for me. I guess it's not as cool as a new camera, but whatever.
Monday, September 22, 2008

A backside view of my favorite bum. If you look closely, you can see how tightly his jeans fit. Also, you can see his windbreaker and backpack. He was probably on his way to where he hangs out during the day, wherever that may be. I'm pretty sure he sleeps somewhere in GG Park, because in the mornings when I leave for school he's usually emerging from the brush.
Hopefully I can get a front view soon. I still want to know his name.
Halloween in San Francisco

once again, Halloween is going to be a clusterfuck of an event in San Francisco. I'm not going to shell out $31 bucks to party with some Destiny's Child flunky.
Just hanging around

David Blaine started his new endurance challenge today. He's going to be up there for about 60 hours if everything goes to plan. there are a bunch of medical reasons that could prevent him from completing this challenge. one of those medical problems is that he could end up losing his vision...
Read story here
My favorite bum
This morning I had yet another run in with my favorite bum. He's not my favorite because he has some witty sign, or because he does a funny dance in the middle of the intersection. He is simply my favorite because he wears super fitted flared jeans, a windbreaker and a large backpack each and everyday, a la Jason Rosete. I need to find out what his name is.
I have been tirelessly trying to snap a picture of him for sometime, but all of the opportunities seem to be a bit too obvious and I have yet to assess whether he would totally attack me rabidly upon seeing me take his picture, or continue on his way. Today I was actually able to get one from behind, his denim in plain sight, but I guess I had taken one too many picture of Brendan Benson last night at Treasure Island and was not able to save it on my phone. Better luck next time!
I have been tirelessly trying to snap a picture of him for sometime, but all of the opportunities seem to be a bit too obvious and I have yet to assess whether he would totally attack me rabidly upon seeing me take his picture, or continue on his way. Today I was actually able to get one from behind, his denim in plain sight, but I guess I had taken one too many picture of Brendan Benson last night at Treasure Island and was not able to save it on my phone. Better luck next time!
i think i want this more than the Canon G10

Read story here
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It doesn't fit the profile...
How can you not love Sandra Bullock when she delivers her lines like the one at about 1:11 in...
Box Dog bicycles race and party!

Sunday High Noon:
Box Dog Bikes Ralleycat starts at Ft. Mason Green. We are expecting a lot of participants and a ton more spectators. This will be a festive event so even if you aren’t racing please come and enjoy the spectacle and consider riding one or two of the stages for a good time. If you are racing remember that its a long ride so pack some food and water, wear a helmet, be safe and have fun.
Sunday 5PM:
Race concluces at Thieves Tavern (the bar next to the bike shop) for pizza party and awards ceremony.
Sunday 5:02PM
Box Dog Party at Thieves Tavern. Celebrate the accomplishments of all the riders, the end of the summer season, a belated harvest moon drumcircle (j/k), or whatever. If you come it will be amazing I promise.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Custom sneaks
Let The Right One In
this movie looks really good...i cannot wait to see it. Good Horror movies are hard to come by, and based on what i've read and seen, this movie looks like it will deliver...
also, speaking of foreign horror movies, if you have'nt seen [REC] yet, it's a must see. It is my absolute favorite zombie movie right now.
Mozart Score Is Found

A single sheet of music discovered in the archives at the Médiathèque library in Nantes in western France is a previously unknown piece by Mozart, the BBC reported. “His handwriting is absolutely clearly identifiable,” said Ulrich Leisinger, who is in charge of research at the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg, which helped to authenticate the find. The 15-measure melody sketch dates to around 1787, according to a posting on the foundation’s Web site (mozarteum.at), and is part of a collection left to the city by Pierre-Antoine Labouchère (1807-73), a painter and citizen of Nantes.
Story stolen from here
Brandon Flowers is a babe

Unlike most, I am not ashamed to admit that I like and listen to The Killers. In fact, I love The Killers. Their live show kicks ass and Brandon Flowers is, in my opinion, the most desirable babe ever.
Also, my encounter with the band and their associates about a year ago left me with some lifelong friends, so cheers to that.
The new album Day and Age comes out November 25th, and needless to say, I'm pretty excited.
Maybe they will even do another Joy Division cover.
An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth
"The heckya mean?"

finally got the Fargo tattoo i've been clamoring about. i think it looks beautiful. for those of you asking why i got this tattoo...does it have meaning? what on earth made you get that PERMANENTLY on your body? well, i got it for a few reasons...Fargo is a perfect movie. one of my favorite movies. Steve Buscemi is in it. it's a great image. etc...
i love it.
Friday, September 19, 2008
An enticing offer
"You're really hot. Ever wanted to have casual relations with an older man?"
Oh Muni, you never cease to gift me with the fondest of encounters.
Oh Muni, you never cease to gift me with the fondest of encounters.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Rex and Steve
"Rex, 22, studies journalism and political science at San Francisco State University and currently has a 3.64 G.P.A. He's also a homeless drug addict."
read whole story here
read whole story here
Downtown Owl

Picked up the new Chuck Klosterman book yesterday. I tried to read the first few pages on the MUNI, but the overabundance of Asian school children hindered my concentration. I wish those little brats would tone it down a bit. Too much after school energy in them. Settle down! There is no need to yell about every little thing you see in your annoying high-pitched voice.
Road apples
one of my favorite scenes from This Boy's Life. if you haven't seen it you're missing out. it's one of my favorite movies with Bob DeNiro and it has a damn good plot. Rent it, borrow it, download it, quote it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good Gravy!
Canon just released a bunch of new cameras today. some point and shoots, some prosumer cameras, and what every camera nerd has been waiting for, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II. the new 5D is able to shoot at an ISO range of 25,600 at 21MP...might i add it also shoots full 1080p HD movies.
Son of a bitch! I wish I would have waited to buy a camera that shoots video. See full preview here.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Do want

Zeiss will start selling their lenses in their ZE mount...i have a Carl Zeiss lens with a canon EF lens mount adapter, but focusing and exposure is a pain the in ass. According to Dpreview "the new ZE lenses from Carl Zeiss transfer all information exclusively via electronic contacts. This means that all exposure modes such as programmed auto exposure, shutter priority, aperture priority and manual setting are supported," and that "the camera’s automatic focus confirmation also remains available to an unlimited extent with these manual focus lenses."
I'm Sold.
Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.
This looks horrifying and fun at the same time
Hyped on this
Wild in the streets!
Here is a clip from possibly the greatest skateboarding movies ever...if you have keen eyes you'll notice that the main character is none other than Josh Brolin from 'No Country For Old Men'

I guess this is the start of my blog...i hope to actually follow through and update this on a regular basis. what kind of content will be on this blog? well, i havent decided yet...i'm hoping things will unravel as they come...
For now, i'll just post shit that i'm into, videos and pictures i enjoy, things that happen in my life that are notable, grudges, etc...
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