Friday, October 31, 2008
All Hallows Eve, eve
Siggy working on his DIY-ass costume.

Look how proud he is of his creation

My elbow after trying to skid on the wet pavement at panhandle park...fishtailed, lost grip and went over the edge.

Over all, it was a fun night. Me and Siggy had a beautiful bike ride from P-Hill to Ocean beach, through Golden Gate Park. We went to my friend Danielle's party and drank and socialized...then shit storm! Danielle and her roommates ended up getting their Laptops stolen, and the cops broke it up.

Look how proud he is of his creation

My elbow after trying to skid on the wet pavement at panhandle park...fishtailed, lost grip and went over the edge.

Over all, it was a fun night. Me and Siggy had a beautiful bike ride from P-Hill to Ocean beach, through Golden Gate Park. We went to my friend Danielle's party and drank and socialized...then shit storm! Danielle and her roommates ended up getting their Laptops stolen, and the cops broke it up.
It's a sad sad day....
Among widespread rumors Michael Jackson corrected what his big bro Jermaine told the world, Jackson 5 is NOT getting back together. Apparently The Notorious C-h-i-l-d-m-o-l-e-s-t-e-r, is in the studio on his own, not with his brothas and sisatas. If they were to reunited, Jermaine Jackson (who?) said that "obviously Janet would open for us," low blow jermaine, low blow.

I feel that you have to look past the whole little penis touching, lay-in-bed, touch me fancy, McCully Culkin lover, sick-ass-motherfucker, and see the real beauty in Michael. Look past the totaly sickness and remember P.Y.T., and Man in the Mirror, and ofcourse Thriller. As artists in todays world, the sicker you are the better. Woody Allen, who um, yes, married his 'adopted' daughter. Look past the person and see the beauty right?
Read rest of Michael Jacksons story from Billboard,
Happy Day of the Dead
im going to go Beat It

I feel that you have to look past the whole little penis touching, lay-in-bed, touch me fancy, McCully Culkin lover, sick-ass-motherfucker, and see the real beauty in Michael. Look past the totaly sickness and remember P.Y.T., and Man in the Mirror, and ofcourse Thriller. As artists in todays world, the sicker you are the better. Woody Allen, who um, yes, married his 'adopted' daughter. Look past the person and see the beauty right?
Read rest of Michael Jacksons story from Billboard,
Happy Day of the Dead
im going to go Beat It
Thursday, October 30, 2008
while taking a break from cruising craigslist for missed connections, i ran into this video. this video was titled "the ultimate prank !" on youtube...hardly. not only is it a pretty tame prank (i find the video of the fake reporter spraying Tom Cruise in the face with a water filled microphone somewhat funnier, thus dethroning this video as the ultimate prank), but the reaction to the prank wasn't even that good.
the funniest moment in my opinion is at around .40 seconds where the bro sort of reacts and the babe recoils behind the bed.
moving on...while writing this, i stumbled upon (without the help of that awful toolbar) this video...this was billed as "Duct taped to the door (really funny)." I'll let you decide
now, whoever says British comedy is superior than American comedy is a fucking cunt. Let me explain something. British comedy is not superior to American comedy. It's the fact that the only British comedies Americans see, are the comedies that are deemed funny enough to spend the money to redistribute to America.
If we were shown every dogshit British sitcom, comedy movie, etc... we'd get 90% shit, the office, extras, and a splattering of semi-decent programing.
How many Brits do you think saw American Psycho 2, or Tokyo Drift (well, maybe not Tokyo Drift...we all know that's a blockbuster)? probably none, because nobody is going to want to spend the money to export this movie to Britain.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
remember when you first heard the sweet sweet sound of Beirut

well... Zach Condon will birth a solo album...rather a double disk EP. One disk will be new Beirut songs while the other of the deuces is the main masters side projects of side projects.
i hate to say it but..stolen from pitchfork
NoFx is playin the fillmo' early Feb...As a jew, you'll know i'll be there. punk in drublic
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Found these gems online
Pictures of me, Siggy, and chwistina at The Mike Giant exhibit at White Walls

Pictures courtesy of Jeff Luger

Pictures courtesy of Jeff Luger
okay...i accept ketchup in my life again
Monday, October 27, 2008
It's finally here...almost

I've been waiting years for a Maxwell show, and now, tomorrow night, my dream is finally going to come true. I have been ignoring the urge to read reviews online because I'd hate to spoil the setlist for myself. I can't wait!
I'm also going to eat some bomb ass ribs before the show. And, thanks to Jason's info, might even get to share a vodka pineapple with the man himself. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.
Jason Rosete: Journalist

Unfortunatly, I won't be able to help you Hef...unless some kind stranger is headed to socal late November. Road trip!?
This blows, I remember the days when the LA Auto Show was held every January.
November sucks...Not only do i not get to go to the auto show, I won't be able to be with my family on Thanksgiving, and I can't celebrate Novembeard like the rest of my male friends.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Some new wheels
fuck, nearly forgot about this awesome scene in Cabin, this isnt some outtake. no, this isnt some easter egg. no, this isnt just a special directors cut scene. this is actually in the movie for no apparent reason.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Singer Jennifer Hudson's mom, brother found dead
CHICAGO (AP) — The mother and brother of Jennifer Hudson were found shot dead Friday at a South Side home, and police were seeking a missing child who is the nephew of the singer and Oscar-winning actress. "We can confirm that there is an ongoing investigation concerning the deaths of Jennifer Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson, and her brother, Jason Hudson," Hudson's personal publicist, Lisa Kasteler, said in a statement. "No further comment will be made and the family has asked that their privacy be respected at this difficult time."
Read full story here
OOF!, that's almost as bad as the Chris Benoit story a while back.
Read full story here
OOF!, that's almost as bad as the Chris Benoit story a while back.
Gangs, chains, and guitar thangs.

What a wild week. In a single week i have witnessed 3 fights outside of bars, and all 3 times i did not have my camera ready.
Last Thursday, I was witness to the biting incident as previously stated.
On least i think it was Monday, i saw a fight outside of The Castle. Some drunken jerk off had waltzed out of the bar and announced, "I’ll fight anyone out here." After his grand announcement, he took about 10 steps before a shorter, pony-tailed Asian man stepped up to the challenge. The Asian fellow took him to the ground where they fumbled around for a bit and a 3rd guy jumped in to get a few shots in. After that 3rd douche bag came into play, the fight got broken up. Blood was dripping out of the head of the guy who challenged the fight. Then the challenge and the Asian gent ended up hugging it out and parting ways. How cute.
Last night, outside of The Matador, i saw another fight. Apparently about four black dudes tried to get into the bar for free, and the bouncer told them to leave. Now, i was pretty drunk, so i'm not sure what happened, but the four dudes and the bouncer ended up in the middle of the street. The Four men were surrounding the bouncer and were taunting him and trying to get some jabs in. The bouncer, while trying to fend off the four men was back up into a parked truck and i believe a 40oz bottle was hurled. Now, i was pretty drunk, so I’m not sure what happened, but once he emerged from behind the truck, his head was all bloody. i think he head may have been rammed into the truck or the bottle hit his head. The doorman proceeded to go back into the club and keep away from the four men. Now, I was pretty drunk, so I’m not sure what happened, but the doorman ended up back outside, but now with the back up of club-goers. Now the battlefield was even. With the help of the club-goers, including chain wielding Siggy, and carabineer wielding Raymee, the four men retreated. Siggy got a few chain whips in, and Raymee clocked a dude a few times in the noggin, using the carabineer as make shift brass knuckles. After a few minutes, a few cop cars roll up and take statements from people involved and witnesses. Last call. I leave.
Who watches the Watchmen?

HD Watchman footage was released recently. i can't wait for this movie despite the supposed ending change. footage can be downloaded here
Thursday, October 23, 2008
i wanted to hate this
some dude posted this original cover on a message board. normally i'd want to trash any cover song, but i actually enjoyed it...could be a little more polished, but still a decent premise.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Going to see The Killers

Tomorrow night, at the Warfield. First time going there since the revamp, which I hear isn't all that great. Either way, I'm super excited to see Brandon Flowers sans the stache, hear some of the new stuff and hang out with Jimmy and Jasonn whom I haven't had proper hang out time with in a while. I'm sure I will be posting some sort of review within the week.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Vans X track bike
from what i gather, this bike was built from scratch and will be Vans London Carnaby Street store
WOW that's a big head
Fuck censorship

So, i guess they decided to pull the word "porno" out of the title of the new Kevin Smith movie "Zack and Miri Make a porno." I think it's a fucking outrage that they're fucking with Smiths artistic creation just because a few uptight assholes. Honestly, who the hell is offended by the word "porno?"
Read story here
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Needless to say...I want it

Gorgeous saddle. Made as a calibration piece byStussy x Brooks England x The Wilson Bros. I don't even know what the price is for this badboy, but i'll be saving my quarters for one.
Friday, October 17, 2008
In my dream and random thought of sharpening your teeth
woke up this morning, saw jasons blog about matador vampire and almost shat myself. my dreams this later night consisted of vampires, but I'm not talking Nosferatu vampire im talking normal vampires living the "mainstream" life as Bill in TrueBlood would say. Normal if you will. So a piece of my minds imagination. I was a vampire and I killed a man in my dream. this man was an old friend of mine that i grew up with. I dont mean killed him like bit him and he became one of us, i mean i literally took his head and banged it against the wall....I had to, his dad told me to in the dream. fucked up i know.
another note-
I say Ugly Casanova should put out another album. If you are unfamiliar with Ugly Casanova, the story is pretty cool.
* Apparentley man named Edgar Graham, a.k.a. "Ugly Casanova", impressed himself upon the band Modest Mouse while backstage at a concert in denver, After some prodding, he shared his work with the band, and began performing it early before shows while some people were milling around. Whenever he completed these performances, he retreated quickly with a look of anger and shame. After a time, a few small recordings were created, after which Edgar vanished. Isaac Brock has since revealed that Edgar Graham was "a fiction thing that [Brock] started a while back to eliminate [himself] from the band," to escape having to do interviews. *(wiki)
So is who is Ugly Casanova, Issac, a bum, is he real. who knows,
I suggest Diamonds on the Face of Evil, from their one and only album Sharpen Your Teeth
Vampires, Sharpen Your Teeth, Jason smells,
dig it
another note-
I say Ugly Casanova should put out another album. If you are unfamiliar with Ugly Casanova, the story is pretty cool.
* Apparentley man named Edgar Graham, a.k.a. "Ugly Casanova", impressed himself upon the band Modest Mouse while backstage at a concert in denver, After some prodding, he shared his work with the band, and began performing it early before shows while some people were milling around. Whenever he completed these performances, he retreated quickly with a look of anger and shame. After a time, a few small recordings were created, after which Edgar vanished. Isaac Brock has since revealed that Edgar Graham was "a fiction thing that [Brock] started a while back to eliminate [himself] from the band," to escape having to do interviews. *(wiki)
So is who is Ugly Casanova, Issac, a bum, is he real. who knows,
I suggest Diamonds on the Face of Evil, from their one and only album Sharpen Your Teeth
Vampires, Sharpen Your Teeth, Jason smells,
dig it
You bite, you bleed

Me and a few good men were out about the town last evening at an the local watering hole. The night was going just grand. Had a few alcoholic beverages, listened to some upbeat music, conversed with some friends.
Then, out of fucking nowhere the door man of the bar clocks some cracked ass bum in the jaw 3 times. I guess this bum had savagely bitten a girl and drew blood, so the door man had to put a stop to it.
After the initial shock of seeing some dudes teeth knocked out, i thought "fuck, i wish i had my camera!" it would have taken care of my spot news assignment for Photo 2
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Maxwell, finally!
The Associated Press just did a piece on Maxwell.
Thought it was funny since he is relatively unknown, and I have been looking forward to seeing him on the 21st on this month in Oakland for, literally, five years.
I don't know if I have ever been more anxious to see someone live. I'm also happy to hear that he will be doing mostly old stuff.
I can't wait!!
Thought it was funny since he is relatively unknown, and I have been looking forward to seeing him on the 21st on this month in Oakland for, literally, five years.
I don't know if I have ever been more anxious to see someone live. I'm also happy to hear that he will be doing mostly old stuff.
I can't wait!!
Peace and love, peace and love
i'm sending in all my objects to be signed today! Got to beat that deadline...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fuck yeah!

Been waiting for this day for a while. I'll start playing tomorrow! McDonalds Monopoly reminds me of middle school when me and my friend Adam Drake used to skate call day, and stop by McDonalds 2-3 times a day and collect pieces. about a month in we had nearly complete boards...we had every piece except the crucial winning pieces.
Mike Giant X drunken debauchery

The Mike Giant exhibit at White Walls was just grand. The turnout was huge. There were too many people scattered throughout the sidewalk that you couldnt really get by without walking in the street.
I drunkenly bought a gigantic steel treble clef that was about 2-3 feet long. A homeless gentleman sold it to me for $5 whole dollars...
Later that night, and a Sparks later, I ended up trading the cumbersome symbol to a young couple for a few sticks of Juicy Fruit.
For more pics and updates, check out the Rebel 8 blog here
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
I'll sue you for defamation!

Hollander tangled with Norton during an August appearance on the "Opie & Anthony" show on XM satellite radio, when an interview with the guest host about his lawsuit against Columbia went X-rated in a hurry.
The lawyer says Norton defamed him when he called him a "f-----g whore" and a "lawyer who nobody wants to f---." He also said the star of HBO's "Down and Dirty with Jim Norton" called him a "phony" at least 10 times and joked that the chicken crossed the road to avoid having sex with Hollander. "Had I know that they broadcast from a high-school boys' room, I would have skipped it," Hollander said.
Read full story here
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Fleet week, shmeet week
ooo. I haven't seen the Blue Angles since my pops took to me an airshow as a young lad. i'm excited to see them...but, i'm already annoyed by the practice runs they're doing a few miles from my place. nothing better than earpopping jet engines circling like buzzards around the Embarcadero stretch.
Festival news and shit
To whom it may concern-
Coachella announced the dates for their three day super hot, sticky, gross, young fuckers eating acid for the first time, first festival, usually shitty line up, over-hyped MESStival.
coachella goers click me
personally i have been to too many festivals, one coachella in 2003 (beta band, cake, J5, BRMC, and KRS-one, fucking rad) but its too much now. too crowded for shitty sound, and shitty lineups.
besides High Seirra Festival in the High Seirras a few years ago, I have not been to a fest with decent sound, although the recent treasure island fest. deserves a shout out! hallah! yes hallah
also- september through november is the best time for sf music. it seems that everybody comes during the fall.
my next show:
Jollie Holland at Bimbos on Oct. 15th
check her out if you havent herd, she is signed to ANTI, which is Tom Waits' label that includes such artist as T Dub himself, Elliot Smith rip, Billy Bragg, lyrics born, Nick Cave and other goods to really goods
dig it
Coachella announced the dates for their three day super hot, sticky, gross, young fuckers eating acid for the first time, first festival, usually shitty line up, over-hyped MESStival.
coachella goers click me
personally i have been to too many festivals, one coachella in 2003 (beta band, cake, J5, BRMC, and KRS-one, fucking rad) but its too much now. too crowded for shitty sound, and shitty lineups.
besides High Seirra Festival in the High Seirras a few years ago, I have not been to a fest with decent sound, although the recent treasure island fest. deserves a shout out! hallah! yes hallah
also- september through november is the best time for sf music. it seems that everybody comes during the fall.
my next show:
Jollie Holland at Bimbos on Oct. 15th
check her out if you havent herd, she is signed to ANTI, which is Tom Waits' label that includes such artist as T Dub himself, Elliot Smith rip, Billy Bragg, lyrics born, Nick Cave and other goods to really goods
dig it
aside from Zach getting his front wheel stolen
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Vincent Gallo rides track bikes...why not?

Vincent Gallo on "Theft: I used to have an Italian track bike, a Masi handmade in Milan in '71. I used to love riding a fixed gear around the city. It was stolen. Then I got a Colnago, and it was stolen. Now I have the least attractive bike possible. I'm not buying a nice bike ever again in New York City. If someone wants to steal my $40 bike, good for them."
Full article here.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Downtown Owl

So, I'm back from Los Angeles! Had a grand time with the younger brother at Detour Fest in downtown LA. We got there around 3ish and stayed until 11:30. It was an exhausting day.
got to see:
Datarock = terrible
The Submarines = pretty good actually
The Black Lips = i dug of the guitarist puked 4 times on stage.
Gogol Bordelo = fucking awesome
Peanut Butter Wolf = awesome as always
The Mars Volta = thumbs up. played for 2.5 hours. it was great!
got home around 1:30am after a late night snack at Albertacos where i got some carne asada fries.
Woke up at 8am to leave for the airport at 9am.
Got to airport at 10am...had 35 minutes to spare before boarding...decided to break out Downtown Owl while i wait.
I was so enthralled in this book (or maybe it was the loud group of 20 traveling Asians distracting me from hearing the boarding announcement) I ended up missing my flight...fuck i'm a dumbass...i was then put on standby for a 2:15pm flight...kept reading Downtown Owl...
Got a good chuckle during my 3 hour wait. There was a group of high school students in uniform. i think they played water polo...I’m not sure. the coach of this team was a real dud. just kind of oddly shaped and blundering. i overheard him trying to tell his students jokes and they kind of just looked away embarrassed and ashamed.
After a little bit of observing their interactions, a MILF comes into the lobby area with a puppy. i take a peak and my eye's go stright to the coach. He's checking her out. you can see him calculating what he thinks her age should be...round 35 from the looks of it.
He walks up and asks he can pet the pup. She agrees. After a few seconds of head patting and scratching, the MILF asks him where he's going. he said something inturrupted by the PA system but here response was golden.
"My fiancé grew up there."
oof! She let it be known in a hurry that she was engaged...
After two lines of small talk, the coach mopes back to his kids dejected.
Funny to me...i guess you had to be there.
Anyways, boarded flight
ended up finishing Downtown Owl as we landed...overall, good book. Fast read, funny, characters were memorable, etc...
Friday, October 3, 2008
Free Moral Agents x Zechs Marquise
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Emanuel Ungaro Spring '09

This collection is genius, so I thought I'd share. Good to see someone is finally doing away with over-sized floppy hats for something much more chic. The soft, distressed leather with just the right amount of embellishment and mini dresses are a smart combination. Love it!
Also, his new collection for MAC is super cool and I will be purchasing most of it, I'm sure.
Carne asada fries
why can't I find carne asada fries in San Francisco? someone ought to make them and sell them. A taqueria would need nothing more than frozen fries and a deep fryer to accomplish this golden treat. it's essentially super nachos with french fries instead of chips.
Leaving fror SoCal tomorrow
Flying to SoCal on Friday. I'm only staying until Sunday afternoon, so it's going to be a mad dash eating at all my favorite spots (Volcano Burger, Nicks Deli, Albertacos) and hanging with whoever still talks to me. Saturday = Detour Fest with younger brother Michael. The Mars Volta is headlining and there will be a bunch of other bands that i care little about. I'm curious to see what kind of food spread they it the same as San Francisco? who knows?
Should be a DOPE weekend.
rad radiohead video made by french dude....
this guy made his own music video to Reckoner. Its pretty sweet and has a good moral story......
Merci Clement!!
Merci Clement!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
To whom it may concern......
This is a blog for all things considered,
I may be the only one anyone knows who was into the jam band scene when they were younger, some might say a hippie, I mean the real deal, long hair, cords, birkenstock, hemp, weed, acid, but those years are over. besides the birkenstocks obviously
Ill cut the bullshit, basically one of the greatest bands of all time (totally my opinion) has reunited since 2004. Playing at Hampton VA, a well known venue for phish phans. whatever
see for yourself.
dig it

I may be the only one anyone knows who was into the jam band scene when they were younger, some might say a hippie, I mean the real deal, long hair, cords, birkenstock, hemp, weed, acid, but those years are over. besides the birkenstocks obviously
Ill cut the bullshit, basically one of the greatest bands of all time (totally my opinion) has reunited since 2004. Playing at Hampton VA, a well known venue for phish phans. whatever
see for yourself.
dig it
America's Best Burgers...
Los Angeles — The menu at this hot spot may appear simple, but that's because the best offerings are kept under wraps. Our suggestion: Order your burger "animal style" for a mustard-drenched patty served on a bun with pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, and grilled onions.
San Francisco — Hand-trimmed choice cuts of chuck steak and rib eye are ground daily in the Cable Car's on-site, open-air butcher shop—where first-time visitors can even try the meat before placing an order.
according to Mens Fitness magazine. See all 10 here
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