What a wild week. In a single week i have witnessed 3 fights outside of bars, and all 3 times i did not have my camera ready.
Last Thursday, I was witness to the biting incident as previously stated.
On Monday...at least i think it was Monday, i saw a fight outside of The Castle. Some drunken jerk off had waltzed out of the bar and announced, "I’ll fight anyone out here." After his grand announcement, he took about 10 steps before a shorter, pony-tailed Asian man stepped up to the challenge. The Asian fellow took him to the ground where they fumbled around for a bit and a 3rd guy jumped in to get a few shots in. After that 3rd douche bag came into play, the fight got broken up. Blood was dripping out of the head of the guy who challenged the fight. Then the challenge and the Asian gent ended up hugging it out and parting ways. How cute.
Last night, outside of The Matador, i saw another fight. Apparently about four black dudes tried to get into the bar for free, and the bouncer told them to leave. Now, i was pretty drunk, so i'm not sure what happened, but the four dudes and the bouncer ended up in the middle of the street. The Four men were surrounding the bouncer and were taunting him and trying to get some jabs in. The bouncer, while trying to fend off the four men was back up into a parked truck and i believe a 40oz bottle was hurled. Now, i was pretty drunk, so I’m not sure what happened, but once he emerged from behind the truck, his head was all bloody. i think he head may have been rammed into the truck or the bottle hit his head. The doorman proceeded to go back into the club and keep away from the four men. Now, I was pretty drunk, so I’m not sure what happened, but the doorman ended up back outside, but now with the back up of club-goers. Now the battlefield was even. With the help of the club-goers, including chain wielding Siggy, and carabineer wielding Raymee, the four men retreated. Siggy got a few chain whips in, and Raymee clocked a dude a few times in the noggin, using the carabineer as make shift brass knuckles. After a few minutes, a few cop cars roll up and take statements from people involved and witnesses. Last call. I leave.
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