Thursday, October 2, 2008

Carne asada fries

why can't I find carne asada fries in San Francisco? someone ought to make them and sell them. A taqueria would need nothing more than frozen fries and a deep fryer to accomplish this golden treat. it's essentially super nachos with french fries instead of chips.


Kelly said...

does it get soggy after 5 minutes?

Jason Rosete said...

eventually...probably gets soggy at the same rate as chili cheese fries do.

Sam Heller said...

del taco chilecheese fries is the closest to that. looks just like that when your done too....gross

Kelly said...

del taco = gag! fries and carne asada are super delicious, but only when enjoyed seperately.

LisaFer said...

omg. i want some right now. where can i get some?