Monday, November 24, 2008

Not so FAST?!?1

So, I'm going to fast until thanksgiving. I've never fasted for more than a couple of hours in my life, so i may give in soon... but, i will try. Until thanksgiving, nothing goes into my system except for booze, jell-o (made a fresh batch of strawberry!), coffee, various flavors of froze-fruit ice cream bars, and maybe a apple or several apples.

If I'm unwilling to go out, and seem lethargic in anyway, it's probably because i don't have the proper nutrients that my body is used to.


Sam Heller said...

as a jew, i suggest only fasting for the day of, cause your stomach will shrink and youll only be able to eat buns.

Jason Rosete said...

i don't believe you...the jews are known liars!